Easter Services at Hoddesdon Baptist Church
You are very welcome to join us at our Easter Services
Friday 2nd April 10:00 am - Good Friday Meditation
Sunday 4th April 10:00 am - Easter Sunday Service
Both services are on Zoom. Everyone is welcome.
Hyperlink for joining meeting:
Meeting ID: 861 6718 5610
Password: 408103
For joining by telephone: 0203 481 5240
The PIN number is: 86167185610#
The password is:408103#
Friday 2nd April 10:00 am - Good Friday Meditation
Sunday 4th April 10:00 am - Easter Sunday Service
Both services are on Zoom. Everyone is welcome.
Hyperlink for joining meeting:
Meeting ID: 861 6718 5610
Password: 408103
For joining by telephone: 0203 481 5240
The PIN number is: 86167185610#
The password is:408103#